Active Assailant, 6th Edition (Online)
The Active Assailant has become a part of modern society. The role of the call taker/dispatcher is critical and your knowledge of the active shooter protocol will help you save lives. This class will give you a historical perspective and will review numerous incidents including actual 9-1-1 calls and radio tapes. The class will also look at what future Active Assailant incidents may involve.
Class format/length: Online Three Week Course
More Information:
Active Assailant Course Outline and Tuition Information 2025
Cost: $270.00
Basic Telecommunicator Training, 3rd Edition
This four-week interactive course teaches you the basic skills and responsibilities of a public safety telecommunicator. Topics include roles and responsibilities, legal aspects, interpersonal communications, technologies, telephone techniques, call classification, radio communication, and stress management.
Class format/length: Online Four Week Course
More Information:
Basic Telecommunicator Training, 3rd Edition Course Outline 2025
Cost: $450.00
Communications Center Liability, 2nd Edition (Online Course)
We live in a litigious society and the threat of a lawsuit involving communications professionals is real. Liability issues in the communications center have become a major issue. It is important for all members of the communications center to learn skills to reduce liability.
Class format/length: Online Three Week Course
More Information:
Communications Center Liability Outline and Tuition Information 2025
Cost: $270.00
Crimes in Progress - 2nd Edition (Online Course)
When Seconds Count®, are you prepared to respond? When 9-1-1 rings, and you have a call that is in progress, are you ready? This class is designed to provide you with the tools you need to respond to a variety of in-progress and high-risk calls. Topics include armed robberies, shootings, homicides, pursuits, and your role in responder safety and child missing calls.
Class format/length: Online Three Week Course
More Information:
Crimes in Progress Course Outline and Tuition Information 2025
Cost: $270.00
Cultural Diversity 2nd Edition – Ripped from the Headlines (Online)
In the past few years, we have seen more civil unrest than occurred in the previous 40 years. With this backdrop, police officers have been the target of assassinations. This class will address your role in community-oriented policing, cultural diversity, de-escalation techniques and responder targeting. There is no other class on the market that addresses these issues in one comprehensive course.
Class format/length: Online Three Week Course
More Information:
Cultural Diversity, 2nd Edition, Course Outline and Tuition Information 2025
Cost: $270.00
Customer Service (Online Course)
Good customer service skills are critical for all public safety communications professionals. Today it is not good enough to be technically competent. You must also provide a high level of service. This three-week course will teach you how to provide great service when handling difficult callers, and how to increase the level of service you provide each day.
Class format/length: Online Three Week Course
More Information:
Customer Service Course Outline and Tuition Information 2025
Cost: $270.00
Domestic Violence, 2nd Edition
Domestic violence is one of the most frequent calls you receive. This interactive three-week course takes a dynamic look at the truths and myths associated with domestic violence. Students will learn the techniques to handle domestic violence calls, why people stay in abusive relationships, the cycle of violence, what is domestic violence, and will review several case studies.
Class format/length: Online Three Week Course
More Information:
Domestic Violence Course Outline and Tuition Information 2025
Cost: $270.00
Stress: It's All in Your Head (Online Course)
Public Safety Communications professionals work in one of the most stressful jobs in the world. This motivational three-week course will teach you how to deal with your job-related stress, as well as how to deal with stress at home. Stress can take a terrible toll on your job performance and your health. If you are going to continue to perform your job at the highest level, you need to learn effective techniques for managing your stressors.
Class format/length: Online Three Week Course
More Information:
Stress: It's All in Your Head Course Outline and Tuition Information 2025
Cost: $270.00
Suicide Intervention - 2nd Edition (Online Course)
This interactive three-week course educates public safety call takers in crisis intervention. Topics include: suicide attitudes and facts, risk assessment of caller, risk assessment of responder, call taker intervention, and suicide call case studies review.
Class format/length: Online Three Week Course
More Information:
Suicide Intervention Course Outline and Tuition Information 2025
Cost: $270.00